This years AGM was held on 6 July at 2 pm with around 55 members attending. Apologies received from 22 members.
The election of officers for most positions were duly filled with the exception of Catering Convenor and Social Committee. There were no positions with more than the required numbers hence no election was needed. Viv has asked for a second person to offer to assist with the catering.
Bryan thanked those members who were not standing again this year – James Simpson, Athol Johnson, Tony Bishop and Larry Blackler. He also said he was very proud of the 8 bar staff for their contribution and the new skills they have learned.
The Peter’s Pairs Mixed Remit was fully discussed amongst the members. It was suggested that the Peter’s Pairs remain as is and a new competition be created for the mixed pairs and then be played with two lives with the winners being eligible to enter the C oC. This recommendation is to be made to the Match Committee.
It was suggested by Tom that the Club Championship 4’s competitions be run on a compulsory Saturday to ensure the games get played in time. This proposal generated a lot of debate. The final motion that the men’s and women’s club championship 4’s be played on consecutive Saturdays before interclub starts was carried and is to be recommended to the Match Committee.
Honorariums to remain the same. Subscriptions to be increases as follows:
Full membership from $280 to $290
No change to 1st year at $150.
Limited membership to increase to $175.
Under 18’s to increase to $110.
Non playing social to increase to $35.
Winter membership to increase to $75.
No change to green fees at $5
Bryan advised that we are required to do a new constitution which has been set up with help by Bowls NZ. A committee is currently looking at this and will be circulated to members when completed around the end of August.
Meeting closed at 3:20 pm followed by afternoon tea.