The Taylor Mealings versus Kaiapoi Workingmen’s Club is being held on Saturday 22nd February at Kaiapoi Workingmen’s Club at 1:30 pm. Please put your name down on the whiteboard if you wish to play. There are no interclub games due to the Nationals being held in Christchurch.
The number of people gathering for social catch ups on Friday and Saturdays are well down which results in bar takings being down as well.
Remember, the bar staff use their own time to staff the bar and the funds from the bar are used for club activities.
It would be lovely to see more members going to the club for a drink and catch up. Friday and Saturday nights used to be really well attended and it was great social time so let’s bring that back.
Viv, Robyn, James and Merv also have the their Level 1 Measure Umpires qualification if you need an umpire during a game.
When the green has been sprayed a sign is put out to advise of this and that the green is closed. Please don’t play as there are health and safety issues with the chemicals and also they will not work effectively on the green.
Kaiapoi Riverside Bowling Club now has its own Facebook page. You are welcome to join as a member and to post any messages or photos for sharing as long as those in the photos have agreed.
Winners :
1st- Gary Saunders, Daphne Smith and Colleen Bailey
2nd – Tom Bayliss, Larry Blackler and Jenny Blackler
3rd- Athol Johnson, Ollie Glintmeyer and Jim Adams
First: Viv Bradbury and Gordon Morrison.
Second : Pete Shaw and Merran Bishop.
Third: Warren May and Colleen Bailey
The Club Championship draws are on the board and games are underway. Please remember to write the matches up on the whiteboard so that rinks can be allocated.
Subscriptions are now due for the 2024/2025 season and can be made direct to Treasurer (Tom Bayliss ) or by Direct Credit to Bank Account 02-0852-0013944-00. Please include your name.
Full Membership -$290
1st Year Membership – $150 ( For new to bowls )
Limited Membership – $185
Under 18 as at 30th September- $110
Non Playing Membership – $35
Winter Membership – $75 (1st May to 31st August)
Green Fees – $5
Welcome to the following new members. We hope you enjoy your season at the club.
Renee Nelson – Limited Member.
Gordon Morrison – Full Member.
Antony Steel- First Year.
Ric Tensfeldt – First Year.
Graham Skelton – Limited.
Stephen Hutchby – First Year.
Jill Hutchby – First Year.
Ian Mehrtens – First Year
While there have been recent changes introduced regarding self – isolation if a member of your household has Covid, in order to protect our vulnerable members and their families, we recommend that if you have had any contact with someone who has tested positive to Covid or has Covid like symptoms that you abstain from the club until they are certain they are Covid free. This will provide some extra protection to our members and families who would be greatly affected by Covid.
The club are looking for someone to manage the running of the kitchen. If you are willing to assist in this role or have any questions on what is involved please see Viv Bradbury.
Attached is the list of responsibilities for duty teams. If your team is on duty please be at the club at least 45 minutes before the start of play to make sure everything is in place for when the opposition arrives.
* Put the flag up.
*Place the mat and jacks out.
*Check the seats are clean and dry
*Turn dishwasher on.
*Half fill the urn – top up with teapot
Under no circumstances should the urn be filled to the top and carried from the kitchen to the table
*Put out cups on the white tray
*Put out tea, coffee, sugar and spoons.
*Biscuits, milk jug, dirty teaspoon holders and used tea bag dish is to be placed to the left of the urn. Tea, coffee, milk jug and biscuits are located in the corner cupboard by the sink. Sugar bowls are located in the cupboard next to the teapot cupboard.
If there is no afternoon interclub – ensure everything is left clean and tidy and put away inside and outside.
If there is afternoon interclub:
- Restock the cups and spoons, top up milk and biscuits
- Ensure everything is left clean and tidy and put away inside and outside.
Please ensure that both the dishwasher and urn are turned off and the urn is unplugged.
Bowls Canterbury have issues clarification about who and when bowls can be lifted or stopped.
Players have control of their own head on their own rink of play. If a bowl from a neighbouring rink is in danger of contacting a bowl on your rink of play then you can choose to either lift the bowl(s) on YOUR rink or STOP the bowl from the neighbouring rink and return it to be redelivered.
The restriction players must adhere to is that they CANNOT a step onto a neighbouring rink to lift or roll bowls to allow their bowl to pass- in this case the only option is to ask the players in control of the neighbouring rink to “ WATCH YOUR HEAD”. If the bowls then make contact on the neighbouring rink they should be returned to the player on your rink to be redelivered.
While we welcome visitors to the club there is a Green Fee of $5 per person per day which is to be paid. There is a box for this fee just outside the main doors from the clubhouse.
If you have an accident please ensure that you report it to another club member and complete the Accident Record book which is on the table where the score cards are kept.
This is a requirement and also ACC can come to the club to get details of the accident if ACC is being claimed.
Toasted sandwiches can be purchased at $3 per sandwich. These are in the freezer and there is a machine available for you to cook your sandwich. There are several filling options.
Club uniform requirements:
Men- Club shirts and black trousers/shorts. Black jersey/cardigan/vest is preferred
Women- Club shirt, black trousers/shorts or skirt. Black jersey/ cardigan/vest is preferred
Saturdays- Club uniforms must be worn at all times in summer but it is mufti through winter.
Interclub- Uniform must be worn
Women’s Club Day ( Monday) – Uniform must be worn.
Mixed Day (Tuesday)- Mufti/casual.
Thursday – Mufti/casual.
Friday Triples- Mufti.
Club Championship Finals- club uniform must be worn
Winter tournaments- Mufti
Club shirts are provided for a small charge.
A list of appropriate make and manufacture of bowling shoes is displayed in the locker room. No other footwear is to be worn.
There have been instances where the door has been left open/unlocked and the roller door left up.
Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that the club room is fully locked up when you leave. If there are other people still playing or using the clubroom when you leave, please ensure they know you are leaving and it is their responsibility to ensure lock up takes place. Please make sure that they know what is required and how to do it.
There has been an issue with small stones on the rink since the change of regulation shoes from flat soles. Please check your shoes before entering the rink. Mats will be purchased for use by the ramp and the gate to assist with this.
The clubrooms will be unavailable to all members every Thursday morning from 9 am to 11:30 am until further notice as they have been hired out to a private organisation.